<aside> 💡 只有资本和智力要素的充分流动,才有创新生态的充分繁荣 When capital and intellectual elements are fully flowing, can innovation ecology be fully prosperous


Web2VC投资体系 Web2 VC investment system


The success of Internet entrepreneurship projects in Web2 comes from the double boost of capital and users. Capital helps the project to start, and the popularity of the product, that is, seed users and more users, represents each milestone the project has reached. In the hot mobile Internet entrepreneurship a few years ago, the number of 100,000, 1 million, 10 million users and other corresponding indicators became an important joint of development, and also became the data basis of different rounds of financing.

将多数人隔绝在信息、资源与资金壁垒外 Isolating most people from barriers of information, resources and capita


In the dotcom boom, only venture capital firms, angel investors and a few entrepreneurs reaped the lion's share of the gains, leaving most people out of business dividends. Head Capital achieved high growth returns through early investment in core track and excellent entrepreneurial team. Most people, on the other hand, can only become users and consumers of products, as well as evaluators and promoters on social networks.


As the field of equity investment deepens, information begins to flow in a closed environment, and most of the effective information is not publicly available, including the early ideas of the project, the personal background of the founding team, and so on.

将多数人排除在网络成长的受益者之外 Excludes most people from the benefits of Internet growth


In a successful project, early stage capital, rather than value finders and users, accounts for most of the revenue, which makes it a habit for everyone to ignore the user's contribution to the project. Moreover, centralized teams make investment decisions, and LP has no sense of whether to invest in a project, let alone the users.

生产和分配体系对真正的贡献者不均 Production and distribution systems are unequal to true contributors


The early users and supporters of entrepreneurial projects have made value discovery, data contribution and economic contribution to the growth of the project, but it is difficult to get returns in terms of income. Not only can they not invest, they can only become a consumer. As entrepreneurs do not connect their own interests with the interests of the community, they also reduce their bargaining power, resulting in the failure to maximize the benefits of the entire network.

创投在改变 Venture capital is changing


The crypto world revolutionized ipos with ICOs a few years ago, and in that round of movement, there were a number of teams that kept building until now, until they became well-known names: public chain, storage, prognosticators, etc. But now, venture capital usher in a better era, the prosperity of public chain ecology, robust DeFi network, DAO concept deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that the basic layer and the application layer of the project is about to usher in a hundred flowers bloom.